Monday, December 29, 2008

$MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0).

Well, we had a nice wind storm here last night. Power went out, and the fileserver had problems remounting one of it's 6 NTFS hard drives.... normally NTFS volumes would be mounted by Windows and the OS would simply run a disk check, and clean up any problems itself.

But my file server is a FreeBSD unix system. And running NTFS filersystems on Unix is not foolproof. Anyways, the error I was seeing was "$MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0)"

here's what I did to fix the drive:

# sudo -i

# ntfsfix /dev/hdc1
# ntfs-3g /dev/hdc1 /mnt/ntfs -o force

that fixed the MFT table on the problem NTFS volume, and I was back up in just a few minutes.